Tuesday 22 November 2016

Unit 37 - Agree the Photo Imaging Brief

(37.1) Be able to use information relevant to the photo imaging brief to generate ideas

1.1 Identify client requirements relating to photographic content deliverables

When working on a photographic assignment for Lea Green, an outdoor activity centre for young people over the Spring and Summer, we attended a meeting to find out exactly what the client wanted. They wanted us to capture the happiness and enthusiasm of young people participating in various activities. We needed to find out where the workshops would be taking place and when. Some were inside and others outside, so we needed to consider if we’d need any lighting or which settings we’d have to change.

1.2 Identify any hazards and risks relevant to the photo imaging brief


(See Unit 40 - (40.5) Above)

1.3 Identify capabilities and limitations of own business or organisation’s resources in relation to the clients’ requirements/
1.4 Use the information gathered to generate ideas for the proposed work

Generally we didn’t have any restriction as we had everything we needed. Myself and my colleague took two Canon DSLRs, the 650d and 760d. We also took a tripod because they wanted us to also film a few of the young people saying to the camera what their favourite school dinner was. Beforehand we ensured the batteries were all charged and that we had the correct lenses. As mentioned in Unit 40 and 41, the main worry for us was the weather. If it had rained heavily, a lot of the outdoor activities may have been cancelled. Or even the full event may have had to have been cancelled and rescheduled to another date that might not necessarily have been suitable for us at DCAS.

On the day of arrival, we got the cameras set up and acquired a timetable of the workshops so we knew what was happening and where. We decided to get the indoor shots first so we wouldn’t be switching camera settings about too often. It was dark inside so we had to adjust a lot of settings. We didn’t have the iso too high so as to avoid the image being too grainy. A lot of the workshops were very different. For example some were more relaxed and calm whereas others were more active. Again, outside it was a bright day so we had to bring the iso way down. A lot of the young people were running really fast so we decided it would be easier to work in autofocus mode. We decided that we wanted to get more closeups to show the happiness in their faces, and also some closeups of any items they were using for more artistic shots. We went round all the workshops a few times to ensure we’d got as many shots as possible.

(37.2) Be able to liaise with clients regarding the photo imaging brief

2.1 Negotiate and agree with clients the purpose, deadline, budget/
2.2 Present selected approach clearly to clients/
2.3 Agree the contract for services with clients/
2.4 Inform clients of intellectual property and copyright policy/
2.5 Maintain a professional manner when dealing with clients

Please see:


(37.3) Be able to evaluate performance in relation to the photo imaging brief

3.1 Reflect on your own work, identifying any potential improvements/
3.2 Identify relevant sources of information to update knowledge and skills relevant to own work

Being quite new to Photography with a DSLR camera, I was quite impressed at the images I’d managed to capture. Obviously due to the nature of what we were photographing, some of our pictures had blurred because of the speed of the children. However, we’d taken many images and we managed to narrow them down to the ones we like. There were even ones where when we took them we didn’t think they were going to turn out well, but ended up looking really good. It’s amazing how you can sometimes get a really good shot without even realising you got it.

I’ve recently bought myself a Canon 650d for my vlogging and to take pictures on when the weather improves. I’ve grown really used to it and keep experimenting with settings in my own time. My house is quite dark so this can sometimes prove challenging. I also bought a ring light which fixes on the end of the lens which is really cool and brightens things up a bit. The more I practice, the more I can improve for future jobs and assignments.

(37.4) Understand legal and regulatory requirements which impact on the photo imaging

4.1 Identify key aspects of legislation relevant to the photo imaging brief/
4.2 Explain requirements for personal and professional identification in photo imaging assignments

(Please see (41.4) in Unit 41)

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